200 Hungarian dog names here!
Hungarian Dog Training Commands here!
How to pronounce Hungarian dog names correctly?

Each letter in Hungarian is pronounced only one way.
The consonants are always pronounced.
Vowels with one or two strokes ( ) are always long vowels.
All Hungarian words are accented on the first syllable.

If you would like to listen to the pronounciation of each sound, just click on the icon: (Real Audio) or  (mp3). If you're having difficulty hearing the voice, you might want to check the volume settings on your PC,  or download the latest Real Player from here (free).

     * The beginnig sound of "during" is similar to "Gy"
     ** The middle sound of  "statue" is similar to "Ty"
     *** Just like "ü" in German "für".
    **** Like "ü" but longer.

Doubled consonants are always pronounced with stronger accent:

If you would like to hear your own dog's name properly pronounced,
just send me his/her name. I will record it and send a sound file back to you,
that you just have to click on, to play itself.

 This webpage is part of the

Owner: Piroska (Priscilla, Scarlet) Levai (in Hungarian: ), Budapest 

English-Hungarian / Hungarian-English Dictionaries Online:
MTA Sztaki
Medios Consulting
ECTACO Online Dictionary.